Artifact for PLDI 2023 paper, "Program Reconditioning: Avoiding Undefined Behaviour when Finding and Reducing Compiler Bugs
Code and data for paper 'Silent Compiler Bug De-duplication via Three-Dimensional Analysis
This is the artifact of the PLDI 2023 article "Architecture-Preserving Provable Repair of Deep Neura...
Artifact repository for the paper Opportunistic Monitoring of Multithreaded Programs to appear in FA...
Artifact for PLDI 2023 paper, "Program Reconditioning: Avoiding Undefined Behaviour when Finding and...
Artifact for PLDI 2023 paper, "Program Reconditioning: Avoiding Undefined Behaviour When Finding and...
Artifact for PLDI 23 paper: Garbage-Collection Safety for Region-Based Type-Polymorphic Program
Artifact for the PLDI 2023 paper Garbage-Collection Safety for Region-Based Type-Polymorphic Program
The artifact for "Collecting cyclic garbage across foreign function interfaces", which will be publi...
Artifact associated with PLDI 2021 paper, "Test-Case Reduction and Deduplication Almost for Free wit...
The artifact for the paper Sequential Reasoning for Optimizing Compilers Under Weak Memory Concurren...
This is the software artifact for the paper "A Type System for Extracting Functional Specifications ...
This artifact contains the source code, benchmarks, scripts, and documentation for reproduce the eva...
This is the artifact for the OOPSLA'22 paper “Finding Real Bugs in Big Programs with Incorrectness L...
This is the artifact for the OOPSLA'21 paper "Well-Typed Programs Can Go Wrong: A Study of Typing-Re...
Technical Artifacts relevant to Journal Article published in OOPSLA 2021. Specifically, this artifac...
Code and data for paper 'Silent Compiler Bug De-duplication via Three-Dimensional Analysis
This is the artifact of the PLDI 2023 article "Architecture-Preserving Provable Repair of Deep Neura...
Artifact repository for the paper Opportunistic Monitoring of Multithreaded Programs to appear in FA...
Artifact for PLDI 2023 paper, "Program Reconditioning: Avoiding Undefined Behaviour when Finding and...
Artifact for PLDI 2023 paper, "Program Reconditioning: Avoiding Undefined Behaviour When Finding and...
Artifact for PLDI 23 paper: Garbage-Collection Safety for Region-Based Type-Polymorphic Program
Artifact for the PLDI 2023 paper Garbage-Collection Safety for Region-Based Type-Polymorphic Program
The artifact for "Collecting cyclic garbage across foreign function interfaces", which will be publi...
Artifact associated with PLDI 2021 paper, "Test-Case Reduction and Deduplication Almost for Free wit...
The artifact for the paper Sequential Reasoning for Optimizing Compilers Under Weak Memory Concurren...
This is the software artifact for the paper "A Type System for Extracting Functional Specifications ...
This artifact contains the source code, benchmarks, scripts, and documentation for reproduce the eva...
This is the artifact for the OOPSLA'22 paper “Finding Real Bugs in Big Programs with Incorrectness L...
This is the artifact for the OOPSLA'21 paper "Well-Typed Programs Can Go Wrong: A Study of Typing-Re...
Technical Artifacts relevant to Journal Article published in OOPSLA 2021. Specifically, this artifac...
Code and data for paper 'Silent Compiler Bug De-duplication via Three-Dimensional Analysis
This is the artifact of the PLDI 2023 article "Architecture-Preserving Provable Repair of Deep Neura...
Artifact repository for the paper Opportunistic Monitoring of Multithreaded Programs to appear in FA...